Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. A laid back "day at home" day. (with the Hubs - bonus!)
2. My cute, thoughtful, passionate boy Jaxon.
3. My sweet girls, Wren and Jules.
4. My smart boy Coleo.
5. Sunshine.
6. Reminders of God's love.
7. Leftover chili for lunch. yum-o.
8. A nice phone chat with a friend.

What are you thankful for today?


Wendy said...

1) Feeling productive at work
2) Laughing
3) Making good choices and because of it not turning into a raving lunatic
4) Lunch with a friend
5) Sweet babies
6) Hubby bringing home dinner
7) Having time to read your blog! :-)

Mom With Bipolar said...

1) Crabbiness waned throughout the day
2) several days of pooping in the potty for J.
3) husband's birthday tomorrow
4) that I haven't caught the cold that's going around the house
5) a good time at InsideOut yesterday.

Cheri said...

Can I do Thankful Thursday on Saturday?
1. Weekends
2. Sleeping in
3. Dinner out tonight with kids
4. 5 eggs in the coop!
5. Ready to paint garage interior
6. Friends who stick by through thick and thin
7. Sisters
8. Puppies
9. Chocolate
10. A warm, cozy home


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